Congratulations on taking this important first step! I know you might be wondering, "Is this free coaching call really for me? Can Catherine truly help me with my biggest challenge?" The answer is YES!

I've helped many people just like you overcome their challenges and create lives they love. And I'm confident I can do the same for you. This is your chance to gain clarity, find solutions, and take the first step towards lasting change.

Take that next step and fill out the application. This is your chance to unlock the breakthrough you've been waiting for. Remember, YOU ARE WORTH IT!

With love and support,

Brave Heart

Awaken Your

Don't let another day go by feeling stuck and overwhelmed!

Catherine Wallis

Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Awaken Your Brave Heart
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Awaken Your Brave Heart
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Awaken Your Brave Heart
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Awaken Your Brave Heart
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Awaken Your Brave Heart
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life
Awaken Your Brave Heart
Reclaim Your Power
Live Your Best Life

What is the biggest challenge you're currently facing in your life that you'd like to address in this session?

(Please be specific and describe how this challenge is impacting your life)

What's your commitment to changing your life? (1-Lowest & 10-Fully Committed)

How did you hear about me and my coaching services?

Email Address

Full Name

Fill In Your Details Below...
Yes, I'm ready to unlock the breakthrough I've been waiting for, and I'm interested in one of the last spots for a FREE 30-minute Breakthrough Session with Catherine.

This is my confidential application form:

Step one:

Your Application is Submitted


Due to the unique value of this FREE coaching offer, I anticipate receiving many applications. I'll do my best to review them promptly and reach out if we're a good fit.

However, if your need is urgent and you'd prefer immediate assistance, please feel free to call me directly.


Please allow 24 to 48 hours for me to review your application. If your application aligns with the goals of this coaching call, I'll personally reach out to schedule your FREE 30-minute Breakthrough Session.


Please note: contacting me directly does not guarantee you'll be selected for the free session, but it does guarantee that I'll pause other applications and review yours first!

Text: +1 289-400-2483

You’re One Step Closer To Breakthrough!